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Moab Off Road Trail Spotlight: Golden Spike, Where Eagles Dare

The Golden Spike, Where Eagles Dare trail variation adds the Where Eagles Dare loop to a popular off road trail. This extension takes you high into the desert bowl of the Navajo sandstone to catch a glimpse of the railroad below and the stunning vistas in all directions. The course is demanding and requires a vehicle that is mechanically sound along with an experienced driver. 

Golden Spike, Where Eagles Dare: Vehicles 

Should you attempt the Golden Spike, Where Eagles Dare trail you will be asked to use a vehicle that adheres to certain requirements. The Golden Spike Trail, which the Where Eagles Dare pass, is particularly steep and challenging. Even experienced off-roaders could be surprised by the extreme climbs and descents. 

To avoid injuries and accidents you must use an off road vehicle that is mechanically sound and is tip top condition. Your vehicle must be able to handle the demands of steep climbs and hard braking. As well as a satisfactory vehicle you must be an experienced off road driver capable of handling the course.

Golden Spike, Where Eagles Dare: Scenery

The Golden Spike course is located in the heart of Colorado not far from the Colorado River Canyon. The course can be found just on top of the sloping layer of Wingate Sandstone which offers stunning views to the west and north. Expect to see the brown sandy cliffs of the valley against a sharp blue sky. 

As you traverse the course you will gain various vintages from different aspects. On the higher north end in the trail the landscape opens up and offers stunning vistas in all directions. Then, hold your breath for the views over the cliff rim up towards Arches National Park. 

Golden Spike, Where Eagles Dare: Surface

The surface of this alternative course is much the same as the Golden Spike overall. You will find the terrain layered and broken in places with some solid rock ledges. Be warned there is some slickrock in places and a weak cliff overhang that is known to fall. The short vertical sections are good if you have tall tyres and locking differentials. 

The course is not a rating 7 trail for no reason. The surface incorporates many obstacles that will challenge experienced off road drivers. Enjoy some easy slickrock fon driving here and there, but watch out for extreme uphill and downhill passes over broken rock and crevices. Only the best equipment will be able to handle this challenging surface. 

Golden Spike, Where Eagles Dare: Trail Details

Golden Spike, Where Eagles Dare course is the same trail as Golden Spike with a few variations. The Eagles Dare adds an incredible slickrock roller coaster to the trail that invites you to enjoy stunning vistas over the Navajo sandstone. The trail has a level 7 difficulty rating and is 41 in length. 35+ inch tyres are required. 

This trail operates around a large sandstone bowl in the Navajo desert. It circles the bowl up and down, finally stopping at Corona Arch where you catch sight of the railroad tracks in the gorge. There are a few more climbs and descents to exit the bowl and rejoin the Golden Spike route.

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Moab Off Road Trail Spotlight: Golden Spike, Where Eagles Dare | Dixie 4 Wheel Drive


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