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4th of July Parade for Off Road Vehicles and Breakfast

Date of Event: 
07/04/2022 - 7:00am

Join us in the St. George City Annual 4th of July Parade!! To join us in driving in the parade we ask that you participate in the decorating contest which will have prizes for the Top 3 vehicles.

  • Show as much Patriotic Pride as possible
  • Your attire as well as your vehicle does count in the judging competition
  • Driving will be slow in the parade but please make sure decorations are attached well so we don't litter our town.
  • We are able to throw out candy so please bring your own if you plan to do that

We will drive straight to Dixie 4 Wheel Drive afterwards for a delicious breakfast cooked by Sharlett.

Instructions To Register For Events: 

  1. Click on one of the Eventbrite buttons on our website or visit
  2. Select the live event that you are interested in and browse the details of the event.
  3. Click the green "Register" button in interested. 
  4. Fill out the form with essential details (First & Last Name, Email)
  5. If you have not yet please fill out the consent to "Accident Waiver And Release Of Liability Form" here Form Here and let us know the details of your vehicle you will be using on trail rides. 

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4th of July Parade for Off Road Vehicles and Breakfast | Dixie 4 Wheel Drive


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